Wednesday, 28 January 2009


ah, home again. the Brussels trip was fantastic. i left with no expectations at all and was very pleasantly surprised! landed at about 7pm and made my way to the north station where my hotel was located. but due to lack of maps and directions given by a complete retard i spent 2 hours looking for the hotel. which was about 500 meters from the north station. had to call my brother for instructions on how to get there. he did a great job and i found the hotel within minutes.

fortunately the hotel was really good, and i wrapped up the first night with a little Futurama in my BIG bed and a minibar snack due to starvation.

the next morning i took a cab from my hotel to the hotel where the conference was being held. there was about 90 people invited, 3 from each EU country i think, and only 4 or so didn't show up. so it was a great turnout. i was the only swede there though.
they started out by welcoming everyone and introducing some faces. we got the chance to ask some journalists and fellow bloggers about tips and there were people from other medias there as well. first day was mainly about blogs and technical stuff, presenting the platf for the competition and the community. interesting stuff. and a great lunch!

when we were finished i went back to the hotel with my new found friends Matthias from Germany (but currently residing in the Netherlands) and Mats from the Netherlands. we freshened up a bit and headed for the restaurant were dinner was being held. great food! and at the dinner i met yet another new friend, Jakob from Germany. some interesting discussions were being held and you could tell that the intoxication level started to rise. after dinner we walked to a bar and downed a few beers. but since the day started pretty early i was tired and so was Jakob so we were back at the hotel at about 2am or so.

Matthias twittering away

on Tuesday morning you could really tell that people were kind of worn out since everyone was late for the European Parliament. this day was all about politics, and we got a chance to throw some questions at the politicians. i'm really bummed out about not getting the tour of the Parliament building though, but we did see some of it. and i met another swede there! Christofer Fjellner who is representing Moderaterna in the EP. really cool guy.
me and Jakob at the EP

well got to run now. busy, busy!

Simon says: "i'm on my way"


Johan said...

Verkar som en mycket nice resa. Ja, nu har du sett Bryssel också så du vet what all the fuzz is about.

fred olsson said...

haha exactly! was a really nice trip :D except they lost my luggage on the way home. it's arriving today though!

Anonymous said...
