Wednesday, 12 November 2008

taking care of no business

ahh! JOY!

i just had the BEST discussion EVER. some religious people truly are stupid. as soon as you show them the facts of their own religion in your own perspective, they call you insane and boring. this one actually told me i depressed her. how the fuck can you still call yourself a christian if what i say depress you? if you believe something you should at least know the facts of your own religion, and no matter what i have to say you should be able to have an answer based on that religion. if all you can say is "you depress me", "your crazy"and so on you should check yourself. because then you truly are a broken person. a scared idiot without the courage to think for yourself. to question and build your own belief.

i'm not saying all christians or all religious people are stupid. that is not how i see it. i have many friends of many religions. but they do stand by their religion, and have thought about it for themselves. and god is no santa clause for them, as it is for you. they don't need to say "now i know why people want to murder" just because i say something that makes them uncomfortable. they think about it, and give an honest answer. many many of the christians i have met haven't even read the whole bible. grats. even i have done that.

and apparently, because i question my existence. i do not live my life. apparently living life is working all day, buying shit i don't need and sleeping the rest of life away. fucking moron. grow up.


Anonymous said...

"apparently living life is working all day, buying shit i don't need and sleeping the rest of life away."

Det är så jävla fel, men det är ju så det är. Vi är ju raised by the system! Lever man livet om man står och knegar 8 timmar per dag i 50 år tills man går i pension? Visst kan man leva livet när man gått i pension också, men lååångt ifrån fullt ut.

Anonymous said...

:) to add some counter arguments I think some people are happy with the routine of working all day. After all someone is paying them to do it, so it 'needs' doing. I mostly tend to agree though... I'm thankful for all the tables and crap I have access too, probably made by people working all day in factories..

Though it would be useful if machines could replace people in doing these mindless jobs so that we can focus our atention on more pressing matters...

A complete return to simpler times might be nice though without the need for all these things being produced.

sure people should question their beliefs and not fall for dogma, but you gotta present your ideas gracefully or you will scare them away :).

fred olsson said...

yeah, i'm not nagging on any specific product or people. i'm just rambling on as usual. but this conversation i had was awful. and she answered me with name-calling and wanting to kill me. i just hated for a second.

religion imo is important. so is tables... though copies of those tables and not thinking about your own believes is bull.

mankind lacks respect for one another. and i have no idea where i'm going with this.

Anonymous said...

hahahahha "religion imo is important. so is tables..." priceless hahhahahaha


so 'are' tables though.

but who cares about grammar as long as we understand each other.

fred olsson said...

i loves u! hugsies